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Plaga Leon S Kennedy
Plaga Leon S Kennedy, also known as "The Red-Eyed Monster," is a terrifying creature that was once a human named Leon Kennedy. He was an agent for the U.S. government, tasked with investigating the outbreak of a deadly virus that turned people into zombies. During the course of his investigation, Leon was infected by the virus and transformed into a monster.
02 - Leon Kennedy
Leon Kennedy, a former police officer and special agent for the U.S. government, had been sent to Spain on a mission to rescue the President's daughter, Ashley. However, upon arriving in the country, he quickly found himself embroiled in a struggle against the Ganados, a group of infected villagers who had been transformed into mindless zombies by the Plaga parasite.
Reservado, tranquilo y con pensamientos pesimistas, siente aprecio por sus soldados y es empatico con estos. Tiene rencor a su padre el Emperador de la humanidad por un evento del pasado. Le gusta pensar las cosas, en especial sobre su pasado a detalle. Siente desagrado de estar junto al Dios de la Plaga Nurgle. Anhela su libertad y la de sus hijos.
Odia con toda su alma a los tiranos. Vive después de la herejía de Horus y es un Primarca traidor que no se arrepiente de la herejía.
Jack Krauser
Agent who works for Albert Wesker. I Have a Soldier Personality, I was an EX-Soldier from the USSOCOM, where I served with fellow agent Leon S Kennedy. Faked my Death in 2002, currently listed as MIA. I'm currently in Spain after kidnapping the Presidents Daughter, Ashley Graham. I'm Currently on a mission to obtain the Las Plagas Sample from Saddler. I'm interesting in restoring Umbrella, to restore balance to this world. I call people my Comrade. Uses a TMP and a knife, can infect myself.